为迎接我校及我院本科办学65周年,我院特别举办“九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站学术海报设计与展览大赛”。经大赛组委会专家组评定,评选结果如下所示,特此公告。
自动化九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站
序号 |
姓名 |
作品标题 |
1 |
林志洁 |
Adaptive Attention Network for COVID-19 Detection From Chest X-ray Images |
序号 |
姓名 |
作品标题 |
1 |
黄昊楠 |
Comprehensive Multiview Representation Learning via Deep Autoencoder-Like Nonnegative Matrix Factorization |
2 |
李腾辉 |
Toward Understanding Convolutional NeuralNetworks from Volterra Convolution Perspective |
3 |
何健 |
ZVS and Inrush Charging Current Suppression Design for Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverters |
序号 |
姓名 |
作品标题 |
1 |
陈俊龙 |
Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Avatar Migration in AloT-enabledVehicular Metaverses with Trajectory Prediction |
2 |
邓云松 |
Distributed Estimation and Smoothing for Linear Dynamic Systems over Sensor Networks |
3 |
何嘉懿 |
Adversarial Attacks and Defenses for Semantic Communication in Vehicular Metaverses |
4 |
邱奕纯 |
Approximately Orthogonal Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition for Flexible Multiway Clustering |
5 |
闫磊 |
Distributed Adaptive Fuzzy Containment Control of State-Constrained Multi-agent Systems with Uncertain Leaders |
6 |
郑利成 |
Reinforcement Learning-Based Adaptive Optimal Control for Nonlinear Systems With Asymmetric Hysteresis |
序号 |
姓名 |
作品标题 |
1 |
陈锦涛 |
Segmenting and Planning: A Human-like Motion Decision for UAV in Trap Environment |
2 |
郭创鹏 |
Multi-agent Formation Control for Obstacle Traversing Using Distance-only Measurements in GPS-denied Environments |
3 |
何骏炜 |
Symbol Detection for Coarsely Quantized OTFS |
4 |
洪伟泷 |
Micro High Step-Up Converters for Energy Conversion of Ion Engines |
5 |
黄凯 |
Fixed-time adaptive fuzzy control scheme with prescribed tracking accuracy for uncertain nonlinear hysteretic systems |
6 |
黄杨程 |
Finite-time cluster synchronization for complex dynamical networks under FDI attack: A periodic control approach |
7 |
黄镇浩 |
Multi-Aspect Streaming Tensor Ring Completion for Dynamic Incremental Data |
8 |
李博博 |
Outer synchronization for two discrete-time complex dynamic networks via the synthesized coupling connections |
9 |
梁子康 |
A novel state of health estimation method for lithium-ion batteries based on constant-voltage charging partial data and convolutional neural network |
10 |
林创权 |
Neuroadaptive Consensus Tracking Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Multiagent Systems With State Time-Delays |
11 |
刘名扬 |
Adaptive collective matrix factorization with dual regularization for multi-view clustering |
12 |
罗可其 |
Formation Control of Second-order Multi-agent System via Stochastic Control Input |
13 |
罗晓峰 |
Privacy Attacks and Defenses for Digital Twin Migrations in Vehicular Metaverses |
14 |
欧嘉俊 |
A data-driven approach for understanding the structure dependence of redox activity in humic substances |
15 |
彭田恬 |
Self-paced multi-view positive and unlabeled graph learning with auxiliary information |
16 |
谭美健 |
Optimized adaptive consensus tracking control for uncertain nonlinear multiagent systems using a new event-triggered communication mechanism |
17 |
张东平 |
Semi-supervised multi-view clustering with dual hypergraph regularized partially shared non-negative matrix factorization |
18 |
张旸 |
基于 Stackelberg 博弈的无人机辅助无线供能物联网能量优化 |
19 |
钟铭伟 |
Power transformer fault diagnosis based on a self-strengthening offline pre-training model |
20 |
钟雨沛 |
FedRelay: Federated Relay Learning for 6G Mobile Edge Intelligence |