按照《广东工业大学研究生院免盲审》的规定,经九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站审核,现将2019年上半年申请博士研究生免盲审名单公示如下。若对下列学生的答辩资格有异议者,请以书面或电话形式向我办反映,并提出具体事实。反映情况时提倡签署实名。
序号 |
学号 |
姓名 |
专业 |
导师 |
发表论文题目 |
期刊名称 |
SCI分区 |
1 |
1111604012 |
黄旭民 |
控制科学与工程 |
余荣 |
Software Defined Networking for Energy Harvesting Internet of Things |
IEEE Internet of Things Journal |
SCI一区 |
Exploring Mobile Edge Computing for 5G-Enabled Software Defined Vehicular Networks |
IEEE Wireless Communications |
SCI一区 |
Software Defined Energy Harvesting Networking for 5G Green Communications |
IEEE Wireless Communications |
SCI一区 |
2 |
1111604009 |
姚得银 |
控制科学与工程 |
付敏跃 |
Robust filtering for Markov jump systems with mode-dependent quantized output and partly unknown transition probabilities |
Signal Processing |
SCI二区 |
Adaptive sliding mode controller design of Markov jump systems with time-varying actuator faults and partly unknown transition probabilities |
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems |
SCI二区 |
Sliding mode control for state-delayed Markov jump systems with partly unknown transition probabilities |
Nonlinear Dynamics |
SCI二区 |
3 |
1111604003 |
钟伟锋 |
控制科学与工程 |
谢胜利 |
Topology-Aware Vehicle-to-Grid Energy Trading for Active Distribution Systems |
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid |
SCI一区 |
Software Defined Networking for Flexible and Green Energy Internet |
IEEE Communications Magazine |
SCI一区 |
Auction Mechanisms for Energy Trading in Multi-Energy Systems |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics |
SCI一区 |
On Stability and Robustness of Demand Response in V2G Mobile Energy Networks |
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid |
SCI一区 |
ADMM-based Distributed Auction Mechanism for Energy Hub Scheduling in Smart Buildings |
IEEE Access |
SCI二区 |
4 |
1111604017 |
饶红霞 |
控制科学与工程 |
鲁仁全 |
State estimation for neural networks with jumping interval weight matrices and transmission delays |
Neurocomputing |
SCI二区 |
Finite-time control for periodic systems with Markov jump sensor nonlinearities and random input gains |
Journal of the Franklin Institute |
SCI二区 |
5 |
1121604006 |
王建晖 |
控制科学与工程 |
刘治 |
Fuzzy Adaptive Compensation Control of Uncertain Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Actuator Failures and Input Hysteresis. |
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics |
SCI一区 |
Event Trigger Fuzzy Adaptive Compensation Control of Uncertain Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Actuator Failures |
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems |
SCI一区 |
6 |
1111604004 |
王亚楠 |
控制科学与工程 |
吴杰康 |
Intelligent Scheduling Optimization of Seasonal CCHP System Using Rolling Horizon Hybrid Optimization Algorithm and Matrix Model Framework |
IEEE Access |
SCI二区 |
7 |
1121504010 |
陈平 |
控制科学与工程 |
禹思敏 |
ARM-Embedded Implementation of a Video Chaotic Secure Communication via WAN Remote Transmission with Desirable Security and Frame Rate |
Nonlinear Dynamics |
SCI二区 |
Design and SOPC-Based Realization of a Video Chaotic Secure Communication Scheme |
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos |
SCI二区 |
受理部门:九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站